
Also known as the White Walnut and native to N. America, Juglans cinerea cultivars produce great tasting nuts and good oil.

Like all juglans they need good deep well drained soil a sunny site and form a large tree.

They hybridise with the Heartnut to produce Buartnuts.

Images of nuts on blocks courtesy of Arie Bruin of De Acht Plagen

VarietyDescription Availability
BeckwithFrom New York State is at regular bearer in Canada. The medium size nut cracks out halves that extract easily from the shell. It is a late pollinizer so should be matched with an early pollinizer.
Pot Sept 2024
ChamberlinThe nut is a medium size and has a good taste and is easy to crack.
This selection finds its origin in the region of Chamberlin Corners NY.
December 2024
KenworthyOriginating in Michigan. Good taste, easy cracking nut which has a higher kernel content than ‘Beckwith’, 16.38 %. It is a self pollinator.
Pot Sept 2024