Hicans are hybrids between the Pecan (Carya illinoensis) and other Hickories, usually the shagbark hickory (Carya ovata) or the shellbark hickory (Carya laciniosa). The selected cultivars aim to have the hardiness of the hickory and the taste and productivity of the Pecan. They leaf out mid season in the uk (Mid April – May usually) and need a sunny sheltered site with plenty of room, they can grown to 15m+ high and wide.
We generally have 4 varieties available in very limited numbers. De Smallekamp have other varieties which we can get from time to time we hope, it is recommended that you order a couple of trees to aid pollination, it may be that other hickories will also pollinate these trees.
Hicans have a reputation for being slow to fruit, time will tell.
Images of nuts on blocks courtesy of Arie Bruin of De Acht Plagen
Bitcan - Bitternut/Pecan cross with pecan flavour
Hican from Missouri
September 2024
This variety produces huge, thin-shelled nuts, with extremely good flavor. Requires very early pecan or hican pollen to set a good crop of filled nuts.
September 2024
Self-fertile and pretty prolific producer of medium size hickory flavoured buttery pecan nuts , produces after 7-10 years. Nuts drop free of husks.
September 2024
Old Shellbark Hican from Illinois that is rarely available even in N.America, partly self-fertile with larger nuts but fully filled.
September 2024
NT 92 (T-92)
Produces large nuts with a good quality kernel. Probably the best and most prolific hybrid, needs pollinating.
September 2024
Found by Jim Wilson 12 miles N of Nevada, on a upland creek among pecan trees, nearest shellback hickory over half a mile. 46 nuts/lb, 50% kernel, very good taste, vigorous growth.