Summer at last

Well after what has to be the oddest weather this spring and early summer we finally have some heat.  We’ve irrigated less than normal, a bit in March and then occasionally until this week and now proSummer is here!bably quite regularily!

The cold April & May did for a lot of the male flowers, some of our seedling trees did the best but by the end of May nothing seemed to have male flowes but a lot of varieties had female flowers!

Lara (picture below) seems to have done the best and for young trees (in for 7 years) have quite a good crop, there are some Broadview, Buccaneer, Jupiter and the much younger Fernor & Fernette have some nuts.  The only Red variety with nuts is Red Seal but they’re all mostly very young trees. We have a few new varieties to plant this Autumn that are late into leaf (compared with most Red ones).

Young Lara planted Autumn 2014